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Coast of Maine™ Castine Raised Bed Blend™


2 cu. ft.
  • For Ready to use for growing vegetables, herbs & flowers
  • Special enriched blend of cured compost & nutrients
  • Grows big, healthy plants
  • No bio-solids, municipal or home waste

OMRI listed, Castine BlendTM Organic Raised Bed Mix is a ready-to-use blend of compost and nutrients that is pH adjusted and requires no recipe, no mixing of components and no tilling! It is everything your raised bed garden needs, all in one bag!

Castine BlendTM is an enriched mixture of fully cured locally-sourced cow manure compost, peat, biochar, worm castings, dehydrated poultry manure, kelp meal, lobster meal, greensand, lime and mycorrhizae. It is carefully formulated to provide an ideal balance between soil texture, soil structure, water retention, drainage and aeration.  This mix was designed for growing large, healthy vegetables, herbs and flowers in raised garden beds, planter boxes and container gardens, but it also works wonders as a top dressing for your permanent garden beds too!

Curbside Pick-Up & Local Delivery ONLY