Lavender Chiffon Rose of Sharon Tree
‘Lavender Chiffon’ boasts large, semi-double, lavender blooms adorned with lacy centers on soft, graceful stems and a rounded shape. Planting this beautiful tree will bring summer color that lasts into the fall!
Common Name: Lavender Chiffon™ Rose of Sharon Tree
Botanical Name: Hibiscus s. Lavendar Chiffon™ Tree Form PP 12,619
Light Requirements: Full Sun
Mature Height: 6-8'
Mature Width: 4-6'
Bloom Time: Midsummer to Fall
Soil Preference: Well Drained
Advantages: Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Hummingbirds, Attracts Birds, Bee Friendly, Deer Resistant
Zone: 5-9
Hardiness Map:
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