Mr. Poppins Winterberry
‘Mr. Poppins' is a compact, male winterberry that is the perfect pollinator for many female winterberry holly, especially Berry Poppins®. One 'Mr. Poppins' can pollinate up to 5 female plants, as long as they are within 50' of them to ensure good pollination. It features attractive green foliage that is densely branched and creates a nice background for shrub hedges or border plantings.
Common Name: Mr. Poppins® Holly
Botanical Name: Ilex verticillata 'Farrowmrp' PP#25834
Light Requirements: Sun to Part Sun
Mature Height: 3-4'
Mature Width: 3-4'
Bloom Time: Does not produce berries, Pollinizer
Soil Preference: Moist to Damp Soil
Advantages: Pollinates Female Winterberry Hollies, Attracts Birds, Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant
Zone: 3-8
Hardiness Map:
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